Chip 1996 November
Chip 11-96.iso
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Text File
512 lines
* DESC: Installation script for the Datapath TWINdows Software.
@Name = "Datapath TWINdows for Orion Software"
@Version = "1.39"
@SubDir = "\\"
@OutDrive = C
@Drive @TWINdowsDrive = @OutDrive
@Dir @TWINdows = "\\TWINdows\\"
@Drive @WDrive = @OutDrive
@Dir @Windows = "\\WINDOWS\\"
@Qstring @Switcher = "Orions"
@Qstring @Utility = "UTIL_ISA"
@Qstring @WinSys = "WSYS_ISA"
@Qstring @Driver = "d3flat"
@Qstring @OrionBase = "0x300"
@Qstring @OrionIRQ = "10"
@Qstring @Dos = "1"
@Integer @S3Chip = 0
TWINdows multi-screen Windows software
Install Disk
Version @Version
(Datapath Orion range)
/* Removed for it to work off CD @ChDir "\\"*/
@S3Chip = @Spawn("checks3")
This program will ask you a number of questions.
Each question has a default answer.
If the default answer is correct, press the ENTER key.
Otherwise, type the answer and then press the ENTER key.
If you make a mistake while typing, press the BACKSPACE key
and then retype the answer.
You may press the [Esc] key at any time to abort the installation.
Note, that if you abort the installation part way through, the whole
installation should be repeated. This is because the selected files
are not copied until the end of the installation.
@If (@S3Chip == 2) /* 928 ( */
@ElseIf (@S3Chip == 5) /* 864 )( */
@ElseIf (@S3Chip == 8) /* 764 )( */
@Else /* not known )( */
Please indicate which type of Orion boards you have:
Use the [Up Arrow], [Down Arrow], [Pg Up], & [Pg Dn] keys to move the
bar to the base address required and then press the [Enter] key.
@Option 21 = "VL Orions, ISA Orions, TwinOrions (ISA)"
@Option 22 = "PCI Orions"
@Option 23 = "TwinOrion/LCD"
@Endif /* ) */
@If (21 [= @Option)
@Switcher = "Orions"
@Utility = "UTIL_ISA"
@WinSys = "WSYS_ISA"
@Driver = "d3flat"
@ElseIf (22 [= @Option)
@Switcher = "TwinPCI"
@Utility = "UTIL_PCI"
@WinSys = "WSYS_PCI"
@Driver = "s3vsnd"
@ElseIf (23 [= @Option)
@Switcher = "TwinLCD"
@Utility = "UTIL_LCD"
@WinSys = "WSYS_LCD"
@Driver = "256_6440"
@ElseIf (24 [= @Option)
@Switcher = "TRIOS"
@Utility = "UTIL_PCI"
@WinSys = "WSYSTRIO"
@Driver = "s3trio"
@If ("@Switcher" == "Orions") /* ( */
Please select the IO base address for your pair of Orions:
Use the [Up Arrow], [Down Arrow], [Pg Up], & [Pg Dn] keys to move the
bar to the base address required and then press the [Enter] key.
@Option 1 = "0x300"
@Option 2 = "0x320"
@Option 3 = "0x340"
@If (1 [= @Option) @OrionBase = "0x300"
@ElseIf (2 [= @Option) @OrionBase = "0x320"
@ElseIf (3 [= @Option) @OrionBase = "0x340"
@ElseIf ("@Switcher" == "TwinLCD") /* )( */
@OrionBase = "0x300"
@OrionIRQ = "10"
@Else /* )( */
@OrionBase = "0x300"
@Endif /* ) */
Please specify the position of your second screen.
If you intend to use DOS-boxes under Windows we recommend having the
Master board/screen on the left, and the second board/screen on the right.
Use the [Up Arrow], [Down Arrow], [Pg Up], & [Pg Dn] keys to move the
bar to the base address required and then press the [Enter] key.
@Option 11 = "second screen is on the right"
@Option 12 = "second screen is on the left"
@If (11 [= @Option) @Dos = "1"
@ElseIf (12 [= @Option) @Dos = "2"
@GetOutDrive @WDrive
@Suppress A
@Suppress B
On which disk drive is Windows installed:
Use the [Up Arrow], [Down Arrow], [Pg Up], & [Pg Dn] keys to move the
bar to the disk drive and then press the [Enter] key.
@GetSubdir @Windows
@PROMPT = " In which directory is Windows installed ? "
@GetOutDrive @TWINdowsDrive
@Suppress A
@Suppress B
Onto which disk drive should the TWINdows driver be copied:
Use the [Up Arrow], [Down Arrow], [Pg Up], & [Pg Dn] keys to move the
bar to the disk drive required and then press the [Enter] key.
@GetSubdir @TWINdows
Now you need to specify the destination directory. The
directory is the location on your disk where the TWINdows
device driver will be installed.
This must not be the directory where Windows has been installed.
REMEMBER this directory - you will need to tell the Windows setup program
when you complete the installation later!
@PROMPT = " Which Directory ? "
The installation software will modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to run a
program that initializes your slave screen(s). This will be placed at
the end of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
that the initialization program is run before you run Windows, otherwize
TWINdows will only be able to use a single screen.
@Label = "Disk 1 of 1"
/* Install generic TWINdows DLLs */
@File *.* @Out @TWINdowsDrive:@TWINdows\\*.*
@File *.* @Out @WDrive:@Windows\\system\\*.*
/* Install specific TWINdows DLLs */
@BeginLib @WinSys.KDC
@File *.* @Out @TWINdowsDrive:@TWINdows\\*.*
@File *.* @Out @WDrive:@Windows\\system\\*.*
/* Install bitmaps into Windows directory */
@File *.* @Out @TWINdowsDrive:@TWINdows\\*.*
@File *.* @Out @WDrive:@Windows\\*.*
@File *.* @Out @TWINdowsDrive:@TWINdows\\*.*
@File *.* @Out @TWINdowsDrive:@TWINdows\\*.*
/* Install Logo + Scan programs */
@BeginLib @Utility.KDC
@File *.* @Out @TWINdowsDrive:@TWINdows\\*.*
/* install misc bits on per orion basis */
@If ("@Switcher" == "Orions")
@If ("@Switcher" == "TwinPCI")
@If ("@Switcher" == "TwinLCD")
@File *.* @Out @TWINdowsDrive:@TWINdows\\twofinge\\*.*
@File *.drv @Out @WDrive:@Windows\\system\\*.*
@If ("@Switcher" != "TwinLCD")
@BeginLib UTIL_S3.KDC
@File *.* @Out @TWINdowsDrive:@TWINdows\\*.*
@Path "@TWINdowsDrive:@TWINdows"
@If ("@Switcher" == "Orions") /* ( */
@Verbatim "@TWINdowsDrive:\\@TWINdows\\OriInit -b@OrionBase -a"
@Endif /* ) */
@If ("@Utility" == "UTIL_PCI") /* ( */
@Verbatim "@TWINdowsDrive:\\@TWINdows\\PCIInit -a"
@Endif /* ) */
@If ("@Switcher" == "TwinLCD") /* ( */
@Verbatim "@TWINdowsDrive:\\@TWINdows\\InitLcd"
@Endif /* ) */
@ChDir "@Windows"
/* Wallpaper */
@Spawn("@InDrive:winwall TWINdows.bmp")
/* New Group */
@Spawn("@InDrive:mkgroupf TWINdows.grp \"TWINdows\" TWINmode @TWINdowsDrive:@TWINdows\\TWINmode.EXE")
@Spawn("@InDrive:addgroup @WDrive:@Windows\\TWINdows.GRP")
/* create 1sttime.bat to complete installation */
@ChDir "@TWINdows"
@Write("1sttime.bat", "wt", "")
@Write(,, "echo off\n")
@Write(,, "rem Version @Version\n")
@Write(,, "cls\n")
@Write(,, "echo Software copied to hard drive.\n")
@Write(,, "echo.\n")
@Write(,, "echo About to initialise Orions.\n")
@Write(,, "@WDrive:\n")
@Write(,, "cd @Windows\n")
@Write(,, "echo [DLL] > TWINdows.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo driver=@Driver.drv >> TWINdows.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo switcher=@Switcher.dll >> TWINdows.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo. >> TWINdows.ini\n")
@If ("@Switcher" == "Orions") /* ( */
@Write(,, "echo [Orion] >> TWINdows.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo base=@OrionBase >> TWINdows.ini\n")
@Endif /* ) */
@If ("@Switcher" == "TwinPCI") /* ( */
@Write(,, "echo [PCI] >> TWINdows.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo vendor=0x5333 >> TWINdows.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo board=0x88c0 >> TWINdows.ini\n")
@Endif /* ) */
@If ("@Switcher" == "TwinLCD") /* ( */
@Write(,, "echo [Orion] >> TWINdows.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo base=@OrionBase >> TWINdows.ini\n")
@Endif /* ) */
@Write(,, "echo. >> TWINdows.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo [Flags] >> TWINdows.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo dos=@Dos >> TWINdows.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo boards_along=2 >> TWINdows.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo boards_up=1 >> TWINdows.ini\n")
@If ("@Switcher" == "TwinPCI") /* ( */
@Write(,, "echo CheckCursor=1 >> TWINdows.ini\n")
@Endif /* ) */
@Write(,, "echo ;trim_pixels=10 >> TWINdows.ini\n")
@If ("@Switcher" == "TwinLCD") /* { */
@Write(,, "echo [dpDigitizer] > twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo d_across=2 >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo d_down=1 >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo areas=1 >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo base=@OrionBase >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo irq=@OrionIRQ >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo ;skipirq=11 >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo ;streamsperirq=1 >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo. >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo [wacom] >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo skipafterprox=4 >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo ; wierd units >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo XExt=4157 >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo YExt=3118 >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo X1=0 >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo Y1=0 >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo. >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo [tds] >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo skipafterprox=0 >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo ; thou >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo XExt=7620 >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo YExt=6300 >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo X1=1500 >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo X2=11870 >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo Y1=1560 >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Write(,, "echo Y2=9820 >> twofinge.ini\n")
@Endif /* } */
@Write(,, "pause\n")
@Write(,, "@TWINdowsDrive:\n")
@Write(,, "cd @TWINdows\n")
@If ("@Switcher" == "Orions")
@Write(,, "ORIScan\n")
@Write(,, "ORIInit -d -b@OrionBase -a\n")
@If ("@Switcher" == "TwinPCI")
@Write(,, "PCIScan\n")
@Write(,, "PCIInit -d -b0x533388c0 -a\n")
@ElseIf ("@Switcher" == "TRIOS")
@Write(,, "PCIScan\n")
@Write(,, "PCIInit -d -a\n")
@If ("@Switcher" == "TwinLCD")
@Write(,, "InitLcd\n")
@Write(,, "echo IMPORTANT! In order for TWINdows to function correctly you must install\n")
@Write(,, "echo the new drivers with Windows setup. This is essential even if you have\n")
@Write(,, "echo already installed an earlier version of TWINdows.\n")
@Write(,, "echo.\n")
@Write(,, "echo In Windows setup select the Display: line and then choose a TWINdows\n")
@Write(,, "echo display from the menu. \n")
@Write(,, "echo.\n")
@Write(,, "echo If prompted for a driver disk, enter the path of the TWINdows directory.\n")
@Write(,, "echo (TWINdows directory = @TWINdowsDrive:@TWINdows)\n")
@Write(,, "echo.\n")
@If ("@Switcher" == "TwinLCD") /* { */
@Write(,, "echo If you wish to use the multi-tablet input driver select the Mouse: line\n")
@Write(,, "echo and then choose the appropriate driver from the menu.\n")
@Write(,, "echo.\n")
@Endif /* } */
@Write(,, "echo Windows setup will be run next. The installation will then be complete.\n")
@Write(,, "echo.\n")
@Write(,, "echo Note: For the latest changes to the manual check the file\n")
@Write(,, "echo @TWINdowsDrive:@TWINdows\\TWINdows.DOC.\n")
@Write(,, "echo.\n")
@Write(,, "pause\n")
@Write(,, "@TWINdowsDrive:\n")
@Write(,, "cd @TWINdows\n")
@Write(,, "REM Build oemsetup.inf to match BIOS on installed Orion\n")
@If ("@Switcher" == "Orions")
@Write(,, "mk_oem TWINdows\n")
@If ("@Switcher" == "TwinPCI")
@Write(,, "mk_oem TWINdows PCI\n")
@ElseIf ("@Switcher" == "TRIOS")
@Write(,, "mk_oem TWINdows TRIO\n")
@Write(,, "REM copy oemsetup.inf into Windows System ...\n")
@Write(,, "@WDrive:\n")
@Write(,, "cd @Windows\\system\n")
@Write(,, "@TWINdowsDrive:@TWINdows\\newoem TWINdows @TWINdowsDrive:@TWINdows\\oemsetup.inf\n")
@If ("@Switcher" == "TwinLCD") /* { */
@Write(,, "@TWINdowsDrive:@TWINdows\\newoem TwoFingers @TWINdowsDrive:@TWINdows\\twofinge\\oemsetup.inf\n")
@Endif /* } */
@Write(,, "@WDrive:\n")
@Write(,, "cd @Windows\n")
@Write(,, "setup\n")
@Write(,, "cd \\\n")
@Execute "COMMAND.COM", "/E:1536 /C 1STTIME"